It is the Melbourne International Film Festival!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can watch basically any movie from anywhere around the world!!!! How BIG is that????
Ranging from American, European, African, South-east Asian, Oceania etc!!! (Are there more??) Thought there are only 5 continents.... ??
Anyway, I went to watch a movie titled Mother 마더 . The casts are: Kim Hye Ja as the main character in the movie, which is the Mother ..

Her character is very strong and standout in the movie. Like any other mothers in the world. She is just an ordinary mother who tries to protect her son with all means and within her power limit from anyone who tries to harm his son..
The 'son' character is nonetheless played by WonBin..Well well, who doesn't know this charming actor Won Bin??? My first time to watch his drama was in 'Endless Love' years ago..Couln't even remember anymore..

The character name is Do-Joon. Do-Joon looks like what you think an ordinary son would portray. He loves his mother and will always stay by her side. However, Do-Joon doesn't seem to be quite normal despite his behavior that seems 'normal'. He somehow was born with sort of memory problem and so, sometimes he couldn't remember lots of things. It could bring troubles sometimes....
Do-Joon has a 'close friend' or the only friend that cares about him though he doesn't exactly fit a description of what a friend would do for another friend...His name is Jin-Tae, which is played by Jin Goo

The poster

The story goes like this:
Hye Ja and Do Joon live in a very small town where everyone knows each other very well and crime rate is very low, especially homicide. Hye Ja has worked very hard in order to feed his son, Do-Joon who has memory problem and has lived with it for life. She opened some traditional medicine shop that doesn't really earn much profit and her son doesn't work. She even has to operate an illegal acupuncture service for her close friends/ customers in order to earn more money and that is something she enjoys doing anyway..
Do-Joon close friend, Jin Tae is the only friend that he always hangs around with despite Jin-Tae is a trouble-maker. Do-Joon often gets into trouble because of Jin-Tae. However, Jin-Tae always spares good attention to Do-Joon and helps him and his mother (despite of being materialism).
The town was shocked by sudden discovery or rather, EXPOSURE of a dead body of a school girl on top of a abandoned building and the whole town started getting nervous. Who killed the girl??
They found a golf ball belonged to Do-Joon (he collected golf balls and even wrote his name on it)
and started accusing him of the wrong-doing. On top of the misfortune, he couldn't remember whether he did it or not. To worsen the situation, he even admitted to the polic and signed the statement of wrong-doing despite he didn't remember anything.
Naturally, his mom was in great shock and tried to find a lawyer to bail him out. However, with the advice from jin-Tae, her mom should find the killer by herself because he told her that she shouldn't trust anyone in the town despite herself and no-one could help her or trust her. With this, she started her own investigation by interogating students in the victim's school.
Would she be able to find the killer???
I would not give out the full synopsis of this movie as I don't want to be a spoiler. I have to encourage people to watch this movie. The twist is very surprisingly surprising!!! I didn't expect that 'he/she' is the killer...Now, don't guess because I can assure you that your guess is wrong!!!
This movie has a very unique taste of humour on top of the seriousness. The morale of this movie attaches to me even after 2 days of watching it. It is a movie that reflects reality, that it can happen to any mother in the world and that it teaches us to appreciate our parents more. They don't necessarily tell you or explain anything based on what they do but believe me. It is for your own good and you might not even notice what your parents have done for you or what they sacrifice in order to give you the best they could....
This is a MUST watch movie for a single parent as well...This movie has received great deal of enthusiasm from everyone who gathered that day to watch and by watching, you are also supporting the festival so that it will be on-going to serve the purpose of getting more Southeast Asian movie to be recognized around the globe!!
There were heaps of local Aussie and Europeans who watched the movie and I was truly surprised by the enthusiasm. It was great and as an Asian. I felt proud!! This movie directed by famous Bong Joon Ho is also participated in the competition for the film award later on in November which is going to be held in Gold Coast. So, go grab your ticket today!!!! If I am not mistaken, there is another screening next week.. Check out more at
Enjoy your movie and keep supporting the MIFF!!!
P.S: Credits for all picture attached goes to Google images.