So, she recommended me to try Laurent!!! Laurent Boulangerie Patisserie is located at 306 Little Collins st and is a very nice, classy bakery shop and as if one floor is not enough, they have two floors!!! I guess it is very famous then???
We ordered one Concorde and one Le Canotier to share.
Concorde in action
Me enjoying the cakes
Love the cake to the max!!! The outer layer is not that impressive, but when we digged further into it, the real taste just burst out and melted in your mouth..There was nothing we could say except "MmmmMMmmmm~~~~"
The cakes costed me $14 bucks..but it is worth it!! Not that expensive for a cake..I have eaten $8 cake before.. :))
After the supposedly "entree", we went on to have dinner nearby St Kilda Rd to have a nice Taiwanese dishes. So, we headed to 190 Wells st, South Melbourne.
The name of the cafe is very cute indeed, Peko Peko...
It looked small from the outside, but when you entered, it is quite spacious and very comfortable despite all the crowd!!!
This cafe is quite famous with its speciality Peko Box. When I said box, it is more like a Japanese Bento Box!! I wonder why the heck they use Bento box???
Anyway, I had a sweet and sour chicken crunch and my friend had a honey chicken something (I can't remember the exact name and don't have receipt with me).
It didn't take long considered the crowd out there..and while I was waiting, got bored and took some pictures..
Here it comes, the Bento !!!!
Sweet and sour Chicken Crunch....
Honey chicken something...Believe it or not..This box is very .....HONEY~~
And.....we talked and talked for hours..and guess what??? A very good looking waiter treated us so nice that they gave us another bottle of water!!! Probably thought that these chatty "aunties" must be having sore throat after talking so long!!!
Another rude waitress came then and gave us the bill so to "kick us out"!! :(
Being a good patron, of course we knew what it meant and left, it was warm and nice inside while it was freaking cold outside!!
Walking home and bored, we did some camwhoring..or maybe more of "I" did cam-whoring!!!
In front of NGV (National Galery of Victoria) For Salvador Dalí 's exhibition...
Just so you know about Salvador Dalí 's painting, here is the most famous one..
For those who are interested, the exhibition has already opened and will continue until 4th of October. Ticket is $23 for adult and I think $18 concession if I am not mistaken..
Went inside to see a Sydney Myer Bowl history of celebration...
Did some stupid pose...
Went home after 10.30 P.M. At home, I was surprised by my boyfriend because my animal pyjama!!! My sheep animal pyjama is here!!! with my nike shoes...
A pink sheep!!!!!!!
Ohhhh, I love this pyjama!!!! Anyway, bought this online at Korean website, the one I recommended before in my previous post on Online shopping..
My boyfriend even took a funny video bout it, thinking of posting it in YouTube...!!! :))
I just feel so happy today!!!!! Wish you all having happy day every single day!!!!
Thank you (: