I haven't been blogging like.........FOREVER!!!! When was the last time I blogged?? Barely can remember!!! Before starting new sem?? Now, it has been like almost 2 months since my new semester started!!! GOSH....Time passes too fast..Though I am more than desperate to get rid of this semester as soon as possible.. It seems like I am experiencing burn out!!!
Has been working like mad people, not to include my hectic uni schedule!!!
I have had final project to complete by end of this year and piles of assignments!!!! I have been soooooooooooooooooooo lazy ...Though I only have 'literally' 2 days classes, but I go to uni like..5 days a week!!!!! On last week Friday, I went to uni from 10 in the morning til 6 in the evening!!!
What the hell???? It feels like this semester is y busiest semester ever.ever.ever!!!! FIUHHHH
Enough of the complaints...
Though I have hectic schedules ahead of me, I still try to spare my time every week to go somewhere with my babe... :))
Just last Saturday, I went to see Dali's exhibition and it was fantastic..but guess we went at the wrong day of the week...Since it is a worldwide-ly known artist, people would have gone there when they are FREE a.ka not working day, which is WEEKENDS!!!
As dumb as we were, we went on Saturday and as a result, flocks of people queuing to buy the ticket, queued to store their cloaks and umbrellas (not allowed in the gallery), and what more???
Since my boyfriend and I have never entered a gallery before, as a first timer, we went in and perplexed by the queued of people INSIDE the actual exhibition..(not to queue for ticket). So, we were thinking, what are these people queuing for????
We found out that you don't need to queue..but because some pieces of arts are way too small, so if you feel the urge to see it, since you have paid 20 or 30 dollar, by all means do it!!!
Both of us tried to walk around and looked at the other arts before we go back and had a look after people have gone somewhere else..
The first couple of pieces, were Dali's first works where he still started his career and tried finding his own originality...but after that, we started to see a pattern in his drawing until the latest piece themed liquid desire. Unlike many abstract drawings, Dali's works are easy to understand and interpret.. You don't need to be a genius to understand his arts..They were pretty much straightforward..
I am not an art appreciator type of person..If I can understand, I will appreciate and enjoy..otherwise....BAH.....At first, I doubted whether I wanted to give it a try, but I was too tempted since EVERYONE I know has gone there..I thought I might have to see it myself otherwise, I might not be able to join into "Dali's conversation" with my friends...but I don't regret it at all..It was fun, calming, unique experience..Dali is not only famous in his paintings, but also he designed jewellery, created film, and involved in Disney work...You can even find it in YouTube..
At the background is one of my favorite pieces. We were not allowed to use camera inside the gallery but totally understandable...The souvenirs are too expensive..I wanted to buy one of the pendants that was carved a piece of Dali's art, very nice and simple but $160!!! :((
Dali's exhibition is still on in National Gallery of Victoria until early October (If I am not mistaken , 4th of October??) Anyway, just check on NGV website at www.ngv.com.au
Next story,
What did I do yesterday Friday night????
Went to Crown for dinner!!!! What did I have?? STEAK!!!! yay!!!
Haven't had steak since I came to Australia I think..............(Can't remember)
Anyway, we were searching for lots of restaurant and I was so tempted to eat the cake in one of the cakehouse..(can't remember the name, actually....didn't pay attention to the name). Sadly, dinner is more important than dessert...and I was STARVING...
After not managing to find a buffet restaurant, we went for steak..thought of waterfront restaurant, but a little bit too pricey and unsure about the price..
So, we stopped by at the Pub Bistro....It was quite a cozy restaurant, good interior, not too formal not too casual..and I think we were desperate to settle down and feed our rebellion stomach..
So, after a period of confusion in what to order, I decided on Rib Eye Steak with red wine and rosemary sauce, while my boyfriend chose veal schnitzel...
Rib Eye Steak with Redwine and Rosemary
Veal Schnitzel..
I would say the Rib Eye Steak was moderate..not really satisfying but not that bad either..However, I was quite disappointed with the veal Schnitzel because it didn't even reach an acceptable level... :(( The meat itself is not smooth and maybe the choice of sauce is not compatible with the meat..Well, I am not a food expert but why don't go try it out and tell me what you think instead??
The whole dining experience with drinks cost us about $50 ...So, not bad huh???
Maybe next time I will go to waterfront.. :)) We wanted to stop by the cake house..but..as you can see in the picture...there is quite much to fill your stomach..So, maybe next time??
After that, we just hung around Southbank, enjoying the breeze of river wind combined with 'still-winter' weather and walking besides someone you care the most is all that matters :))
Loving Crown :))
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