Beatrice: "Let's go to Blok M"
BF : "Too far"
Beatrice: " T.T ;("
In fact!!! It is not far at all!!! But he is just not feeling like walking there......
Today!!!! He suggested...let's go Blok M!!!
But I know there was reason behind his intention....His office is just nearby...and he knew I have been craving for it....LOL
It is located in Little Londsdale, intersects with Elizabeth st...
(In case you don't know how the restaurant looks like)
As an introduction, Blok M is an Indonesian restaurant that provides all sorts of Indonesian food and drinks like es durian (durian ice), es alpokat (Avocado ice), etc...On top of all, they have their signature of "Ikan Balado". Note here that Balado is the type of Indonesian home-made sauce poured on top of fried-fish.
I have tried a lot of Indonesian restaurants in the city, but a few that really impressed an Indonesian..However, when my friends brought me there..I was impressed...It is even better than other restaurants. Note that two of the restaurants that I like to visit is Es Teler 77 at Swanston St just few feets from Melbourne Central and Blok M at Little Londsdale.
Unfortunately, the first couple of visits, I didn't manage to try the "Balado" fish as there was no fish coming in (Don't know what that really means).
Few weeks ago.....
Beatrice: "Ikannya ada??" ------> "Is there fish today??"
Cashier :" Ga ada..." ------> "No fish today"
The next week I went...still the same....
and today!!!!! FINALLY!!! It is in the house!!!!!
Straight away I ordered....and my boyfriend ordered the other dish which was "Nasi Gudeg Jogja" originated from Jogjakarta I supposed...However, it is not authentic enough of course...
That is why you should visit Indonesia...the "Heaven" of food!!!
Recommended dish...
Me without make-up with menu...LOL
While waiting..I took this picture....
Ok I know many of you can't read coz picture is too small, so I will write it out..
"Blok- M is where eveerything is available to you, from a shopper's paradise to a money-makers nightmare. Blok-M is the centre-point for one of the largest bus terminals in Indonesia. It is where one should catch a Bajaj (Three-wheeler-cycle) instead of a taxi, to weave through the city streets, as it is one of the most congested place in the country" (copyrighted by Blok-M).
I don't really know where Blok-M is in Indonesia, because I am not from Java!!! LOL
Blok-M EXPRESS is really EXPRESS!!!! My food came so fast!!!!
My Balado fish....or "Ikan Balado". I didn't take the whole fish picture as the fish was staring at me...;(
My boyfriend's "Nasi Gudeg Jogja" consisted of jackfruits (Cooked til soft), Chicken, Indonesian "chips", beancurds, etc.
I was really satisfied with it!!!! :)) although I can say it is not as authentic as when you sit down at the road side of Indonesian street and eat it with your hands....
Other than that, you should really try for the "taste of Indonesia" <----slogan of Blok-M!!! :))
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