Most importantly, you have to depend on yourself coz there is NOONE there to help!!!!
Well not really, there were people offering help, from friends, which I appreciate very very much!!!! Thanks heaps :)))
The thing is, I want to stay in the city cos obviously I don't drive and can't...Don't laugh at me!!! Ok, I don't care if you laugh your head off...Anyway, staying in city is much more convenient for me and more entertaining...rather than cold suburb...(I don't intend to offend anyone staying suburb)...
I prefer the atmosphere in the city and public transport in city to my uni and work is so much convenient, especially I work early in the morning....
After days and days or I shall say feel like YEARS....I lodged two applications and I got back good new from one!!!!! Name me lucky!!!! I have tips for those who are looking for ways to impress real estate agency, but won't reveal
Oh, I am not gonna be homeless anymore...HAHAHHAHA!!!! Maybe I shouldn't laugh first...OOoops.....
Anyway, I got ticket to watch MY YEAR WITHOUT SEX from Nuffnang!!!! Thanks heaps to Nuffnang!!!!
I tried the first attempt but I was too late...So I tried the second chance and I got it!!! Woohoooooo!!!!
They gave the chance for the first 20 bloggers to email them first and they could lay their hand on the pre-screening ticket for the movie and It was too late for me by the time I checked my email...:(
No worries, they gave second chance for the first 30 bloggers to email Nuffnang to get the In-season ticket...still not too bad right?????
Still in neatly-sealed envelope....
Upon opening......
I have two of them...So I am gonna drag my boyfriend along...muhaHAHHAHA!!!
What it says...
I don't look as convincing ye???Hmmmm....
and here is the trailer for you to check out :))
So, If you say you are proud to be Australian, you should support Australian Film-making industry and go for the movie!!! I like the movie AUSTRALIA anyway..
Did I forget to mention the movie will be up by 28th of May 2009???
Hope you enjoy the movie! :)